Simulated Game Shooting
Simulated Game Shooting
Simulated Game Days hosted by The Keepers Lodge are organised in the same way as a traditional game day, but with the added enjoyment of shooting driven targets during the summer months in the beautiful scenery of the North Wales countryside. Please don’t mistake a clay grounds “Simulated Targets” or sporting clay pigeon shooting with the experience of The Keepers Lodge “Simulated Game Days”, a game day simulated in every way.
In the past, the arrival of the 2nd February in the UK (United Kingdom) has always brought to an end the live Game Shooting season. Now with today’s technology, live Driven Game Shooting can be replicated using simulation equipment out of season, meaning the discerning gun can enjoy Driven Shooting throughout the year. Out of season, Live Driven Game Shooting is replicated with modern , devices used to launch clay pigeon targets by manual or automatic control, provided by leading manufacturers Flurry Launcher, Promatic or Bowman. They are placed on the point where live quarry would normally be driven from the cover and fly over the team of awaiting guns, simulating a Driven Game Day.

Simulated game shooting replicates every aspect of live game shooting and is an excellent form of corporate hospitality or perfect for a party of friends to get together and have some fun. Simulated Game Shooting also offers an ideal introduction to newcomers of driven game shooting and for the experienced gun to keep their eye in through the closed season.
Simulated game days are suitable for more experienced shots. However, less experienced shots can be accommodated for when accompanied by an instructor. We use the same or similar drives to the pheasant and partridge drives we shoot in the open season, offering some testing simulated targets. Standing in a line of up to 7 guns we can cater for up to 14 in a party, shooting in 2 groups giving you time to have a break or load for your shooting partner in between shooting. Transport is provided in our purpose-built gun’s trailer so 4 x 4’s are not essential.
We do have the choice of offering you a simulated practice session (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) session for small group of friends or individual practice:
The Half Gun
Morning or afternoon, of 2 Drives standing 2+ guns with breakfast bap or tea & cakes. Expects to shoot 250 cartridges each. Please bring fiber wad cartridges.
Price: £250 per person – availability 7 days per week
The Full Gun
A full day on 4 drives with a team of 10-14 guns with breakfast and field lunch. Expects to shoot 500 cartridges each. Please bring fiber wad cartridges.
Team Price: £3000 – availability 7 days per week
Shooting Party’s
A full day with an ideal team of up to 10 guns, 2 nights’ accommodation in The Keepers Lodge, buffet on arrival, breakfast, field lunch and evening meal. Bacon Sandwich on departure. Expect to shoot 500+ shells. NB The Keepers Lodge has 8 bedrooms / 12 beds
Team Price: £5000 Weekdays and £7000 weekends (No Availability mid-July to Late Aug)